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How to install and configure the Cisco Secure Client Software VPN for iOS (iPhone/iPad)


7.0 - Updated on 03-13-2024 by Mike Caban

6.0 - Updated on 03-16-2022 by Sylvia Bass

5.0 - Updated on 10-08-2021 by Mike Caban

4.0 - Updated on 10-07-2021 by Mike Caban

3.0 - Updated on 10-07-2021 by Mike Caban

2.0 - Updated on 07-15-2021 by Sylvia Bass

1.0 - Authored on 05-07-2015 by Mike Caban

Download and Configure the Cisco Secure Client

  1. From your iOS device, download and install the Cisco Secure Client App from the iTunes Store.
  2. Open the app.
  3. Tap Connections and then tap Add VPN Connection...
  4. Type in UCI in the Description field.
  5. Type in in the Server Address field.
  6. Tap Save.
  7. A popup will appear telling you that the Cisco Secure Client app would like to add this connection to the VPN Profile Configuration section of your iOS settings. Tap Allow.
  8. When prompted, enter your phone's passcode to save the new VPN profile.

Using the Cisco Secure Client App

  1. Toggle the Cisco Secure Client VPN switch to ON.
  2. A popup will appear where you will enter your UCInetID and password. Before proceeding, tap 'Back' on the top right of the screen before logging in. From there, you may change your group connection to 'UCI Full' to access library or campus resources. Selecting a new group connection should open the login screen once again, if not, select 'Open Browser' on the top right of the screen.
  3. Login with your UCInetID & password.
  4. On the next page you'll see the Duo Multifactor Login screen where you will either receive a push or enter a passcode.
  5. A banner window will appear. Click Accept to close that window. You are now connected!
  6. Remember to switch to OFF when you are done.